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Letters of support or lack thereof from faculty with appropriate credentials may accompany the form. Signatures:  Chair, Department Committee Date Chair, College Committee Date  Department Chair Date Dean Date  Chair, University Committee Date Provost Date  President Date Final Action: _____ Approved _____ Disapproved LAMAR UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FOR FACULTY TENURE AND/OR PROMOTION Name Date Dept. Present Academic Rank SERVICE SUMMARY: A. Years of full-time 鶹ӳӰ faculty service as of end of current academic year as: Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor B. Years of full-time faculty service at other than 鶹ӳӰ: Institution Rank Length of Service C. Credit for prior service: years. [Attach documentation (e.g., offer letter)] D. Total years of full-time faculty experience . DEGREE(S) AND GRADUATE WORK: A. Degree Summary: Degree Date Awarded Institution B. Graduate Hours Completed Beyond Highest Degree: Institution(s)  AUTHORIZATION: I authorize release of personnel and academic records to appropriate bodies in consideration of my application for promotion. __________________________/__________ Signature / Date     EFKLQZ`a   T U  * + V W y ̶̶̶̒̒xxnxxh;fnB*CJphh&fh;fnB*CJphh&fh;fnB*CJph,jh;fnB*CJUmHnHphsHtHhT+h;fnB*CJphh;fnB*CJphh;fn>*B*CJphh'u~h;fnB*CJphh;fn5B*CJ$phhT+h;fn5B*CJphh;fn5B*CJph+KLv%Q$ z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@C8dd^8`a$gd;fnC z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CddF$ z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@Cdda$  q.C t&0h8p @ xHP X !(#$-/2p5@8;=@Cddgd;fnK z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@C@ dd^`@ C z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@Cdd   T U q=4 V0h8pHPX !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@Cddgd;fnK z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@C@ dd^`@ C z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@Cdd W   wD w'0h8p @ xHPz !!(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@Cddgd;fnC z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@Cdd    ( , - 6 O P QR-/3v~~ggg,jh;fnB*CJUmHnHphsHtHhrh;fnB*CJph h&fh;fnB*CJH*_Hphh;fnB*CJphh;fn5B*CJ_Hphh;fnB*CJ_Hphh&fh;fnB*CJ_Hphh;fn>*B*CJphh'u~h;fnB*CJphh&fh;fnB*CJphh;fnB*CJph( 7 B C O S _ o T$ z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@C$Ifa$gd;fnl X Kkd$$Ifr [$ PP' 2ap2 ZZZZZZZQ z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@C$Ifgd;fnl XT$ z(0h8p @ xHP X !(#$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@C$Ifa$gd;fnl X ( + . 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